Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Beginning

This is it. This is the beginning. I am nearly shy as an inexperienced performer thrust naked onto the stage--against her wishes. It is not against my wishes that I begin. Such things are necessary.

What, then, am I here to do? Well, it is easier to explain what I am not here to do.

I am not here to promote myself in any sense of the manner. Perhaps I am not keeping with the times, but I could never quite play the harlot--in every sense of the word. I am not here to defame people just for the sake of looking wise. Satire is necessary, yes, and to be desired--but I find there is a difference between satire and impotent spite. Criticism is a far, far better way to go.

I am not here to provide news or delight about the media/entertainment industry. I can foresee different sorts of those media coming into future entries, but it will certainly not be found in abundance. If you are looking for Paris Hilton, you will not find her here.

I am not here to be a political commentator. There are too many of them and their voices are loud and grating. If I wanted to do such things, I would find a way to get myself on CNN or its ilk. As with the entertainment, this does not mean that politics will not at times be discussed, but I am not particularly an advocate for either party, so arguments in their favor would not be so painful to me as to the hot-blooded political commentator.

I hope to spread a bit of critique and a little philosophy when I can get it. It is my humble hope that one person might read this blog and think, if only for a second.



Anonymous said...

Hullo Caroline, I will be paying attention to this here blog, so blog away! Perhaps I should get a blog account here...

Anonymous said...

what's this?!! you're not going to comment on Paris Hilton?!! PFFFT. I can't possibly read this.

Anonymous said...

and I like your blog name, btw! :)